Not sure what he's responsible for but I guarantee you he's not far away from those refugees he was swearing at, when it comes to fucked up mindset. Only worse people than taxi drivers are European truck drivers. Transport branch is full of people who wouldn't look out of place in high security prison.
Meah, I worked with truck drivers daily for many years and they were mostly ok. Solitary working conditions are obviously influencing international drivers in a negative way, but since nine out of ten are severely lacking communication, it's easy to have a pleasant conversation.
A fresh cup of coffee or a can of soda along with an open ear for their chattering - that's all an average truck driver needs. Their favorite conversation topics are generally limited to traffic conditions, driving schedule, sport and, oddly enough - their family life.
Now when i am thinking about it, there was this guy who loved to come half an hour before his usual pick-up time, he would take a coffee and ask to use my PC while i was loading his truck. After a month or two I've checked the browser history out of curiosity, and I shit you not - asian cam whores all the way. This wouldn't get me fired of course, but it was kind of weird, and i didn't have the guts to confront him, so I asked my boss to scare him off.
Yeah, and there was this other fat dude, who was always taking a shit in our toilet. So when we figured that out, and it was an easy task since our toilet turned into a fucking auschwitz gas chamber after his visits, we hid all the toilet paper when his truck showed up. We could tell he got really pissed off the first couple of times, but he never said anything and took his shitting business elsewhere.