Author Topic: Bike culture?  (Read 6785 times)

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Re: Bike culture?
« Reply #60 on: December 06, 2014, 11:04:51 am »
Yes indeed cyclist has right to USE the crossing because of those dots. Still that doesn´t mean that he´d have a priority while crossing; cyclists who wish to cross a road by using crossing must still give way to normal traffic since bicycles are vehicles. Thus that cyclist is still an asshole.

Indeed, the cyclist was an idiot; before crossing the road, when i'm on foot(or bike), I always check if there  are vehicles coming, even if i have priority.

Lars this video is from Helsinki, Finland. We don't have the laws that you state you have in the "traffic code".

I don't want to make 3rd post so well:


Finnish traffic code orders vehicle's driver to give way for pedestrian who are on the crosswalk or about to step on it. Vehicle's driver has to give way for cyclists or moped when the vehicle's driver has a ?Yield sign? or vehicle's driver is about to turn over the crosswalk. Cyclist who has got out from its bike has to be treated like a pedestrian. If there's a vehicle parked or a vehicle has stopped right before the crosswalk, driver has to stop before the crosswalk before driving over it.

/shitty translation

It would've been the cyclist fucking fault. The cyclist was a fucking idiot for giving the giggle and finger afterwards. End of the fucking discussion about that particular video.

Here you go, a random video from youtube

Now start arguing about whose fault it was and implement laws relating to this situation. HOWEVER, IN ANY CASE. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. DO NOT CHECK IF THE LAWS APPLY TO THE COUNTRY WHERE THE INCIDENT HAPPENED!

(click to show/hide)

I thought EU countries had (more or less) the same traffic code(excpet England where they drive on the left), wrong guess apparently.
Anyway, good for you guys in Finland, here cyclists at bycicle-crossings have always the priority, because they are considered the same as pedestrians, and they can cross the road without dismounting from the bike.
Like this crossing for example:
(click to show/hide)
at least there's also the vertical sign, even tho i have been told that there are several bike crossing in the region withouit it, just the horizontal road sign ( "white squares").

So do you guys wear helmets when riding your bikes?

I never use a helmet, i ride my bike only in the city tho.


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Re: Bike culture?
« Reply #61 on: December 07, 2014, 02:56:10 am »
I don't wear a helmet, but I also don't spaz out and go 110%. I bike at a moderate speed that's tiring over long distances, but I do it more for recreation and relaxation than exercise and fitness. Riding along the lake shore with only the moon for light... climbing up and coasting down hilly back streets under orange sodium street lamps... It clears my mind before bed. Much easier to relax during/after a ride. Meditation and yoga are not as effective for me.
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Re: Bike culture?
« Reply #62 on: December 07, 2014, 12:25:11 pm »
climbing up and coasting down hilly back streets under orange sodium street lamps...

I hope it's a 70s bicycle.

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Re: Bike culture?
« Reply #63 on: December 07, 2014, 06:03:09 pm »
And how many of you use 'clipless pedals'? I've been pondering getting some for my commuter, but there's currently no adapter designed for non-cycling shoes. Give the amount of shit I have to lug around with me anyway, I'd rather not have to get an extra pair of shoes. On top of that, going any faster than 12mph ish is detrimental with the amount of stops I make along the way.


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Re: Bike culture?
« Reply #64 on: December 07, 2014, 08:48:42 pm »
And how many of you use 'clipless pedals'?

Never given them a try. I don't feel the need for them since I'm not racing anybody, but it's always scary when your foot slips and you fishtail for a few meters next to traffic. One time I lost a sandal on the shoulder of a busy 4 lane road.  :oops:

I hope it's a 70s bicycle.

Almost. '82 Kabuki Skyliner, custom oversize steel frame*road bike. Got it on craigslist from a guy who is 6'6" tall. It's the only bike I've ever used that fits my legs right. Only cost me $75 (new tires/brakes and tune-up was more expensive than the bike itself). It was barely if at all used when I got it.

What kinda bike do all y'all got?

« Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 08:52:17 pm by WITCHCRAFT »
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irl something shorted on the shuttle and laika overheated and died within a few hours of liftoff and for a brief while one could look up to the stars and see a light shooting across the sky that was actually a warm dog corpse slingshoting about the earth at thousands of miles per hour which was arguably humanity's greatest achievement so far