1. Name of your character involved
2. Name of offending character(s)
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
eu7, 11:26 gmt +2, 6.7.2014
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
He shot me in melee with an arrow. I hate when archer shoots into melee a) carelessly and b) when it is not necessary, so I reported him. Then he shot me 3 more times, this time intentionally.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*
He did not like being reported, like it was the greatest insult ever.
6. Multiple Screenshots
Ninja round, so could not have been bots shooting me.
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**
I do not expect any of them paid any attention, but Illuvatar was on server.