Author Topic: Conquest: Multi and maps  (Read 463 times)

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Offline Joseph Porta

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Conquest: Multi and maps
« on: June 07, 2014, 03:33:25 pm »
Conquest: multiplier system

very theoretical: mostly my view on hoq conquest should be like.

Conquest in it's current form is mostly a battle of attrition, it doesn't feel rewarding whatsoever. I think conquest could be a great game mode but for that to work it needs to have a complete change of reward system. One that directly rewards the team for completed objectives. I think this is best achieved by linking flag captures and gaining multiplier together. Now I reckon that a core mechanic won't be changed very soon, but we can still dream, right? :P

My idea kind of changes the roles both teams have, the classic main roles of defender and attacker will still be there, but the difference between both teams actual roles will be much more versatile and less onesided.

There will still be both an attacking and defending team, the only thing that changes is as to how many held bases each team starts with. This is kind of important as it determines how maps should be made for this mode to work with them.

(Starting circumstances)

The defending team:

Will start with less held bases then the attacking team, but they will have a defensive attacking "geographical" advantage (good defendable strongpoints like ladders, corridors, killzone funnels, etc.)

No-mans land:

In the middle of the map between the defending and attacking forces will be a grey zone of 2 or 3 un-capped bases, the attacking team's forward flags will be placed closer to the no-mans flags then the defenders, these will be one of the first flags the attacking team will cap, to establish the initial bridgehead.

The attacking team:

Will start with a more forward placement,  closer to the no-mans flags then the defenders. From these there will be multiple entry ways into the defenders base.

(The flags and multiplier system)

The flag placing over the map should be a horizontally stretched diamond (wide in the middle, narrow at the ends). This is because in this version of conquest capping the flag is not solely for the attackers. The defending team will be given the option to break through the attackers and try to cap one of the bases back for reward in the form of a multiplier increase.

I think this allows for a very dynamic game mode - where breakthroughs can force the enemy on the defensive. But such actions should be rewarding for the team and it needs to balance out with the rest of the game/map.

Now I think to make it work smooth the mode needs a good map to go with, this is essential for this to work. Ninja capping should, how sad this might be for some, a thing of the past. With this large a map I think they need to be orientated around a few main streams along which the battle will flow.

It sounds worse then it is, I think, you might think that it would limit the number of choices on which way you would take to your objectives - and you are right! But as I said it shoulds be so bad, with my idea only a batch of flags will be isolated from the next 'level'(or whatever) flag batch.

Rewarding objectives:

Rewarding the team should be orientated around objectives. In conquest that is capturing and defending the bases. I would like to see it be more dynamic compared to the current attacker and defender roles. Both teams should be able to cap flags, re-conquest!

The one thing in my opinion that will make conquest a succes is designing a map with the game mode as it will be in its final stage. As of now the devs are trying to fit a game mode around already made maps, and this doesnt work. First the game mode itself should be made and thoroughly worked out before you can even think of a map. First the game mode then the maps should be tailor made around them.

To further get into my flag idea I reckon a little simulation is best to explain.

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red: attackers held flags on beginning of the round.
blue: defenders held flags on beggining of the round.
Black: unassigned flags, blanks.

10 flags in total, three unassigned. I devided the flags into batches, or stages if you want.

A little sim:

Theoretical map details; around the defenders spawn points will be fortifications, naturally. The map will be designed around the four defenders flag. The three unassigned flags will be outside the wall.

Both teams will start with x2 multiplier.

Unassigned flags: x0.25 multiplier and defending team will get x1.0
Held flags: x0.5 multiplier
End base capture(round won) x1.0 multiplier
Defender only: x0.5 for 4 min held.

Defenders cap back an attackers held flag: -x0.75 for the attackers.
Attackers cap a defenders held flag: -x0.5 for def

(this is because the flags of the defenders will be far more likely to be capped, this also has to do with the spawn time difference and it being longer for defenders. Thus going for a re cap will be much more dangerous for a defender as they will have to spread their forces thin thus possibly allowing the attackers a breakthrough, this is wy the attacking team will be punished hard for losing a flag.)

(click to show/hide)

This is just a fraction of a battle, with the defenders ability to recap And punish the attacking team heavily with (-0.75x) and leaving them forced to cap it back again and thus losing progress to the end base makes this a very interesting and dynamic game mode.

Alot of things are possible especially with co ordinated groups of buddies who can blitz into the enemys weakspot and force them to relocate troops.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 03:38:17 pm by Joseph Porta »
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
But he'll be around somewhere between Heaven and The Devil, because neither of them will take him in, and he'll be farting loudly and singing a filthy song.

i'll be there at around

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Re: Conquest: Multi and maps
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2014, 04:34:40 pm »
will do later
Quote from: Tomeusz link=topic=45416.msg717346#msg717346
horse just standing on 2 feets and does "yhohohohoh".

Offline Joseph Porta

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Re: Conquest: Multi and maps
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2014, 04:44:01 pm »
Its a bit long indeed :p
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
But he'll be around somewhere between Heaven and The Devil, because neither of them will take him in, and he'll be farting loudly and singing a filthy song.

i'll be there at around

Offline Joseph Porta

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Re: Conquest: Multi and maps
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2014, 02:36:40 pm »
Bump.. Feedback plox, id like to know what the overall idea sounds like :)
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
But he'll be around somewhere between Heaven and The Devil, because neither of them will take him in, and he'll be farting loudly and singing a filthy song.

i'll be there at around