Author Topic: Stop Strat?  (Read 4300 times)

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Re: Stop Strat?
« Reply #45 on: June 12, 2014, 07:56:25 pm »
well i got how should i explain my point about strat with one phrase :) dont tell other people how they should play ;)

well its nothing to win in strat for you. for some people there is such thing o_O for example for Nebun. cant get this point tbh but well, it does exist. as i already said equal battles cant be an order in strategy game. i've always enjoyed the rape of peasents horde by some heavy cav in some TW custom battle xD
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Re: Stop Strat?
« Reply #46 on: June 13, 2014, 01:37:15 am »
Just merge the NA and EU maps, and let the devs (or players who are gifted in griefing already) fuck with Strat map by randomly putting AI army blobs to attack areas of the map that are too carebearing, plagues on large garrisons to kill troops, economic collapses to force new trade routes, semi-random hilarious magic carpet bomb raids, whatever. A little "gamemaster" guidance to keep things interesting.
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Offline StonedSteel

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Re: Stop Strat?
« Reply #47 on: June 13, 2014, 02:10:59 am »
My biggest reason for wanting a reset is none of the answers above.  Its the economy, peasant wars is fun for a bit, but months of it? I switched to polearms for strat 5, and have fought only a couple battles with good gear, ie a short spear or staff...yeah. The rest have been pitch forks and voulges. Vs 2h axes and mauls, all in cloth?

So ill rephrase, reset strat 5, getting an economy going has been disastrous and by the time the you get to the fun battles ( you know, medieval medieval armor with medieval weapons ) the 10 months will be close to an end. I mean ffs its been like 5 months already, every battle ive been in so far...peasant wars.

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Re: Stop Strat?
« Reply #48 on: June 13, 2014, 03:37:50 am »
My biggest reason for wanting a reset is none of the answers above.  Its the economy, peasant wars is fun for a bit, but months of it? I switched to polearms for strat 5, and have fought only a couple battles with good gear, ie a short spear or staff...yeah. The rest have been pitch forks and voulges. Vs 2h axes and mauls, all in cloth?

So ill rephrase, reset strat 5, getting an economy going has been disastrous and by the time the you get to the fun battles ( you know, medieval medieval armor with medieval weapons ) the 10 months will be close to an end. I mean ffs its been like 5 months already, every battle ive been in so far...peasant wars.

Yep. Economy system sucks. Trade sucks. Micromanaging anything sucks. Battles are good. Battles with fun gear for all classes (fucking not a single cav battle on NA this entire time) where you can have some high tier gear but mostly mid tier.. that's what's good.

That's why Strat 2 should be the example the devs use, before they started fucking everything up with too much added bullshit. You could press a few buttons after everyone pools in their auto generated gold, and buy a themed army with decent gear and launch a few attacks, while your fiefs produced more troops and gold to add to the slaughter instead of some stupid tick system.
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Re: Stop Strat?
« Reply #49 on: June 13, 2014, 10:58:47 am »
2. stop saying that GO is recruiting people lol. we are not asking people to join us, people are asking us to accept them. do you feel the difference?
In addition I reject 3/4 of applications  :lol:
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The goal of Strategus battles shouldnt be to deprive your enemies of players, but to have full roster both sides and have the gear/tactics/strategy win the day rather than lack of merc support.


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Re: Stop Strat?
« Reply #50 on: June 13, 2014, 04:10:39 pm »
In most strategy games, resource mining is automated because it is literally the most boring thing ever. But apparently these nerds are loving it, and that's all they want to do.  Just remove strat already, or let me host Exp battles again.

Offline StonedSteel

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Re: Stop Strat?
« Reply #51 on: June 14, 2014, 01:57:42 am »
In most strategy games, resource mining is automated because it is literally the most boring thing ever. But apparently these nerds are loving it, and that's all they want to do.  Just remove strat already, or let me host Exp battles again.

Ha, ur a good guy for hosting those, and they were fun...but seriously, fuck your xp battles, chat filled to the brim with "hey that guy blocked, ban him!" \ "omg nerds r trying? ban he!". They have a mode where you can go and mindlessly spam in a clusterfuck for 30 mins, its called siege. Some of us actually enjoy the tactical side of strat, yup i said it, tactical. I mean...its a war game, and so few people actually enjoy the war part of it, they'd rather have xp battles? How fucking lame is this community, Native players would LOVE something like strat.

Fix economy and Reset, it shouldnt be 5 months in and everyone still has peasant gear.


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Re: Stop Strat?
« Reply #52 on: June 14, 2014, 03:35:13 am »
Ha, ur a good guy for hosting those, and they were fun...but seriously, fuck your xp battles, chat filled to the brim with "hey that guy blocked, ban him!" \ "omg nerds r trying? ban he!". They have a mode where you can go and mindlessly spam in a clusterfuck for 30 mins, its called siege. Some of us actually enjoy the tactical side of strat, yup i said it, tactical. I mean...its a war game, and so few people actually enjoy the war part of it, they'd rather have xp battles? How fucking lame is this community, Native players would LOVE something like strat.

Fix economy and Reset, it shouldnt be 5 months in and everyone still has peasant gear.

Plumbo, you have to understand the options aren't Good battles vs EXP battles.  It's hardly any battles ever that are all shit vs EXP battles, because that's all we have now.


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Re: Stop Strat?
« Reply #53 on: June 14, 2014, 05:17:00 am »

Give me back my upkeep fucked troops, fucking strat! :)

Really though the whole thing needs a shake up, a big fucking shake up.

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Re: Stop Strat?
« Reply #54 on: June 17, 2014, 03:09:28 pm »
@SkittlesofRivendale, i think you misunderstood something or you are not familiar with democracy. In order to restart strategus the result of poll needs majority of yes-votes. Let me give two simply examples.

1: There are Greys, DRZ, Kapikulus, Byz, Quincys, Fallens and Coorporation on strategus map, playing actively and they all have plans what to do next. If a poll appears, i'm sure all those active clans would vote "no" and majority of votes are "no". No restart.

2: There are Greys, DRZ, Kapikulus on strategus map, rest of the clans playing only EU1, EU2 and are waiting for day X when strategus will be restarted. If a poll appears, most of players will vote "yes" and if majority of votes are "yes" then strategus will be restarted.

"So basically, anyone who dislikes losing will poll to restart it?" No, not even three players could restart strategus because they are disliking losing. And ofc polls are held by devs. See the diffenrence now?
@Knitler, Not sure if trolling but i still answer. Not voting because one side is getting too strong but because strategus has become so unbalanced that other factions cannot do anything, like now.

@Dark Blade, Yep, my writings are my opinions, this is a forum where people post their opinions, like me and you.

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hmmm... Not really. I don't care xp in strategus battles, i really dont. Still, strategus battles should reward with good xp because most of cRPG players play for xp and if strategus battles offer good xp, it keeps strategus alive. It's not about winning or losing in strategus, there is nothing to "win" anyway. I don't get sad if my faction isn't winning, ofc it's nice to win some battles. All i really want are good equal battles in strategus where factions are fighting ~equal gear so both parties have a chance to win. If i were playing strategus only for winning and wanted overrun enemies without effort, i would rename my characters, be nice to UIF and try to join them. I'm sure that isn't so hard to accomplish. Not want to sound arrogant but i am better player than most of UIF players. If you think about it, you are recruiting very actively players so your average skill level isn't that high. Nords, Mercs and Byz are recruiting rarely and carefully new players, so with confident i can say, their skill levels are far best among other clans.

Back to winning/losing/equal battles, for example this battle:!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1450
i knew Nords are inactive in strategus but i wanted to help them to get a castle. For my dissapoint rosters were filled 1:UIF players, 2: others. And what dissapointed me most was the whole battle. Defenders fought hard, actually much better than we did but because we had clearly better weapons (armours were ~equal), the castle was easily taken.

Other example: when Kalmars joined last strategus and we had a war against Conquistadores, both rosters were full and filled with Greys, DRZ, Kapikulus, Fallens, Byz, Mercs. Not this typical 1: UIF players, 2: others. We lost some battle and won some battles, i really wouldn't have cared a less what had been the result of that war, lose or win, not care. i enjoyded that whole war and those battles because they were tough, equal and really hard to win.

"dont talk shit to your enemy because as you can understand - its only a rage, nothing more." I'm sure for now you understand my point of balanced strategus. I really don't have problem with Grey or DRZ as clans. You have played together long long time and that's fine, however i (can confess) casually trash talk to spineless dickless cunt players, players like Knitler or Varadin or Kapikulus. They are very well aware of how good Greys/DRZ are doing in strategus and they still wanted to winner-join them whereas other factions need all possible help even to get rosters full. It's a huge plus if players average level is +30. If there is time when some other faction is dominating +70% of strategus map, i will fight against them. If there is time when Greys and DRZ are clearly beaten by stronger enemy, i will roster support you. As i said, i have nothing against Greys and DRZ as clans.

"if something like this going to be happened irl would you make a poll for the changing the world because its unfair FOR YOU?" i believe i already answered this. Polls are not for making one person life/feelings/interests better. Polling for either "yes" or "no" needs majority of votes, not same as one person feels he want to change something for his favor. That's more like dictator.

Whou, what a wall of text and most people "tl;dr" :)

I see now, its my and Knitlers fault cuse strategus is over :)
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Offline StonedSteel

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Re: Stop Strat?
« Reply #55 on: June 18, 2014, 05:40:21 am »
shit xp, shit rosters, shit gear, strat 5 is shit

reset this garbage

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Re: Stop Strat?
« Reply #56 on: June 18, 2014, 06:03:06 am »
shit xp, shit rosters, shit gear, strat 5 is shit

reset this garbage

Noooo... We're on the cusp of seeing bot's free living put to the blade. I agree it's boring for the moment, and most of the mentality's I've grasped from factions;
We could see shit storms of geared battles flowing from all corners of NA chadzia... The only problem is not many of these factions have sustainable economies to put that sort of risk to task without some unforeseeable consequence. Which apparently intimidates the majority to some degree.
I get drunk and rant at MB every now and then for war... But my drunken fervor falls on deaf ears.

I'd be more pissed off now that factions do have things semi-built up as far as territories go then to go back to the peasant grubbing fief capturing stage.
People just need to take a deep breath, let go of there admiration for pixelated diligence from the past... Months... And rekindle there love for xp, and combat... Kinda like battle...
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