thats why Sim's is one of the top selling titles of games. Some people like those sort of games, i dont know if this will be that or not. But from the little i have read of it, it looks neat, especially if its going to cost like 10 dollars.
Yeah but for some reason I don't think many of those die hard Sims fans are going to be buying this game lol, it seems quite clear to me that the target audience is completely different.
I'm not saying it WILL be bad or boring, but from everything that is written and that was said is that basically you're just going to be scavenging shit, fixing shit and hiding in a glorified hole, unless they add massive randomization and complexity to this style of gameplay then it will be boring after a couple of play throughs. Could that still be worth $10? sure it could, but there are enough mediocre time wasters on the market as it is.
But hey, that's all just my opinion and speculation, I enjoy being the negative nancy when it comes to games, mostly because the market is infested with false promises and shallow games, it's a nice surprise when I've doubted a game and it turns out good.