Heyo, after i recognized that pretty much ppl are still using the "vanilla - big as fuck font" i want to show you how to change it. (Maybe General Discussion isnt the right place, but it isnt a guide either)
First i want to let you see how normal fonts are looking compared to the smaller / not half your monitor taking font.
Thanks for Dark_Blade for screens (had the same resolution) and i was to lazy to switch my fonts
Dont mind the Graphics and so on - just look at the fontsize , its ridiculous isnt it?
Specially on high resolution and big monitors its "spamming" half of your screen, its annoying as far as i can tell.
Basically; You see more and have more informations about what has happened on your screen, its a pleasure to read it like that, not like the big ass fonts.
Its also sizeing down the time, money, teamnumbers, multiplier - EVERYTHING.
Even more helpful on smaller monitors most of the time.
Its rather easy to explain;Go to your M&B:Warband folder - either steam or normal - in the main folder (no mod folder) there should be a data folder.
Click on the Data folder - then you should see "font_data" - Open it with something you can open it with (i use EditPad Lite, should also work with open office and other stuff)
The second line is important;
Default: <FontData width="2048" height="1024" padding="10"
font_size="70" font_scale="100" line_spacing="100">
You have to edit the "font_size"
Mine: <FontData width="2048" height="1024" padding="10"
font_size="98" font_scale="100" line_spacing="100">
You can do it in another size, you just need to test it for abit - the higher the size , the smaller the font (weird).
Hints: If you want to test around with it, you need to go 2 numbers up to have progress / also begin with "90" , if its too small for u, u need to go down again like; "84"
Hope its helpful and some of you guys will use it - i recommend it.