Author Topic: Crossbow requirement & upkeep  (Read 1284 times)

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Crossbow requirement & upkeep
« on: May 29, 2014, 01:49:40 am »
As a crossbower I pay a shatload of upkeep and idk wy. Most are two slots and very heavy, ontop of that the arbalest requires 18 strength. Like wot the fuck, a fucking Danish GS requires less strength.

I'd like to see either the upkeep scaled down, paying 1k for a Heavy crossbow is fucking outrageous..

Or the req of arba set to 16 - this will not make 100% retard 15/24 drag queens viable.

Tyvm for your time,

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Re: Crossbow requirement & upkeep
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2014, 02:20:22 am »
What would have happened if the patch only increased Arbalest requirement from 15 to 16:

Pre-patch Arbalest build:

Code: [Select]
Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

    Strength: 15
    Agility: 24

    Ironflesh: 2
    Power Strike: 5
    Athletics: 8
    Weapon Master: 8

    Two Handed: 53
    Crossbow: 176

Post-patch Arbalest build:

Code: [Select]
Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

    Strength: 16
    Agility: 24

    Power Strike: 5
    Athletics: 8
    Weapon Master: 8

    Two Handed: 53
    Crossbow: 176

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Re: Crossbow requirement & upkeep
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2014, 02:24:52 am »
Arba is 18 req atm :P you cant even get 18/24 atm ^^ lvl 30 though, im going for 33 18/24 on my xbow my old friend.
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
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Re: Crossbow requirement & upkeep
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2014, 02:35:22 am »
Arba is 18 req atm :P you cant even get 18/24

You can get 18/24 at level 30, easily. I do in on my STF for agi 2H/pole, as well as archer/xbow.
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Re: Crossbow requirement & upkeep
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2014, 08:26:53 am »
You can get 18/24 at level 30, easily. I do in on my STF for agi 2H/pole, as well as archer/xbow.

Id i'd go 18/24 xbower i'd either have to sacrifice 2if +5wm to get 3 more str and one more PS. Or 2if +5ath, or a combo of ath/wm + that 2 if. Either one of those will cripple both my melee and ranged accuracy. You might say I could go 18/21 but that would go at the cost of 1h wpp, nerfing me once again, though the extra damage from 6ps might negate that.

Still I think it would be nice to lower the req or the upkeep of heavy and lower xbows. I'm paying almost as much as a horse for them, without any apparant reason.
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
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Re: Crossbow requirement & upkeep
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2014, 11:27:25 am »
You get the best of both worlds. Easy ranged and good melee weapons with zero skill point invested beyond a normal melee build. Pretty amusing that someone will complain about +3 str needed when there is no actual skill point invested, and then you look at how versatile the class is in all areas.
If you have ranged troubles use this:

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Re: Crossbow requirement & upkeep
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2014, 08:34:20 pm »
You get the best of both worlds. Easy ranged and good melee weapons with zero skill point invested beyond a normal melee build. Pretty amusing that someone will complain about +3 str needed when there is no actual skill point invested, and then you look at how versatile the class is in all areas.

No skill points? I invest WM to get the best possible accuracy out of it.
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
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Re: Crossbow requirement & upkeep
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2014, 10:27:36 am »
No skill points? I invest WM to get the best possible accuracy out of it.
Well if you tried to chill out of the nerdrage so your sense of logic (if you have any) would start working again, you would probably understand that he's comparing xbowers to archers and thrower which has to invest in both wpf and a specific skill for their weapons. A xbower only has to invest into wpf, wich means he can invest more points into other skills like power strike to be viable in melee. Do you understand?
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Re: Crossbow requirement & upkeep
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2014, 11:49:14 am »
If they're going after stuff like heavy cav needing low skill investment then this type of shit needs looking at too:

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As good protection from ranged as melee, heavy armour, good 1 hander, good ranged skill point investment beyond some WPF to use the ranged weapon. Easy mode point & click damage + very similar to normal melee builds. If you get into a melee fight just drop the xbow so theres no movement speed penalty worth mentioning.
If you have ranged troubles use this:

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Re: Crossbow requirement & upkeep
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2014, 11:57:49 am »
I don't really play much anymore because of the +3 strength requirement on heavy and arbalest. It indirectly fucked with internal balance of the crossbow class and devastated the arbalest in comparison to the other options.

The upkeep is super high all for what? so you can shoot twice? At least with a horse or plate armor your survivability  increases dramatically.
The reload speed combined with weight;  you cant even keep up with your teammates, you are left isolated and once you shoot that one shot. It will take you a much longer time to recover and be useful again unlike every other range class in the game. The missile speed is decent but any aware enemy can dodge your shot.

You get the best of both worlds. Easy ranged and good melee weapons with zero skill point invested beyond a normal melee build. Pretty amusing that someone will complain about +3 str needed when there is no actual skill point invested, and then you look at how versatile the class is in all areas.

The only easy thing about it is how you can aim steady indefinitely. I don't believe a normal melee build consists of 50-100 melee wpf... maybe before the wpf patch but now its far from normal. as to your claim about 0 investment, I believe 0 ps 2 ath and 9 wm so I can have 180-185 wpf (maximum accuracy) in my class is pretty qualified as investment.

I understood why the strength requirement was increased, and its amusing to me that the same people that complain about arbalests before still complain about them even now, after this change... NA is completely desolate of practically all arbalest users. Can't say how EU looks; but Heavy is the new Arbalest on NA

this is just my two cents about xbow balance at 5:00 in the morning.  :oops:

I'm not sure the route they should have taken to fix the crossbow but adding three strength to it wasn't really the answer. You still have those minimal investment builds that stand 15 ft away from the enemy shoot once and then engage in melee as a semi normal build. Which breaks balance for everyone that uses these weapons as pure builds and makes it a non viable choice outside of strat battles.

Offline Joseph Porta

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Re: Crossbow requirement & upkeep
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2014, 10:07:33 am »
I don't really play much anymore because of the +3 strength requirement on heavy and arbalest. It indirectly fucked with internal balance of the crossbow class and devastated the arbalest in comparison to the other options.

The upkeep is super high all for what? so you can shoot twice? At least with a horse or plate armor your survivability  increases dramatically.
The reload speed combined with weight;  you cant even keep up with your teammates, you are left isolated and once you shoot that one shot. It will take you a much longer time to recover and be useful again unlike every other range class in the game. The missile speed is decent but any aware enemy can dodge your shot.

The only easy thing about it is how you can aim steady indefinitely. I don't believe a normal melee build consists of 50-100 melee wpf... maybe before the wpf patch but now its far from normal. as to your claim about 0 investment, I believe 0 ps 2 ath and 9 wm so I can have 180-185 wpf (maximum accuracy) in my class is pretty qualified as investment.

I understood why the strength requirement was increased, and its amusing to me that the same people that complain about arbalests before still complain about them even now, after this change... NA is completely desolate of practically all arbalest users. Can't say how EU looks; but Heavy is the new Arbalest on NA

this is just my two cents about xbow balance at 5:00 in the morning.  :oops:

I'm not sure the route they should have taken to fix the crossbow but adding three strength to it wasn't really the answer. You still have those minimal investment builds that stand 15 ft away from the enemy shoot once and then engage in melee as a semi normal build. Which breaks balance for everyone that uses these weapons as pure builds and makes it a non viable choice outside of strat battles.

You feels <-> my feels

I rocked this 15/24 build way back with Arba, it was the fun assasin build.. When an enemy was heading for you you had one shot and a semi capable player could easily avoid that then he would be up in your face. It also practicly removes shield/0slot weapon shield xbow hybridding, not that the 2 slot light xbow didnt kill that one off.
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
But he'll be around somewhere between Heaven and The Devil, because neither of them will take him in, and he'll be farting loudly and singing a filthy song.

i'll be there at around


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Re: Crossbow requirement & upkeep
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2014, 10:54:58 am »
I don't really play much anymore because of the +3 strength requirement on heavy and arbalest. It indirectly fucked with internal balance of the crossbow class and devastated the arbalest in comparison to the other options.

The upkeep is super high all for what? so you can shoot twice? At least with a horse or plate armor your survivability  increases dramatically.
The reload speed combined with weight;  you cant even keep up with your teammates, you are left isolated and once you shoot that one shot. It will take you a much longer time to recover and be useful again unlike every other range class in the game. The missile speed is decent but any aware enemy can dodge your shot.

The only easy thing about it is how you can aim steady indefinitely. I don't believe a normal melee build consists of 50-100 melee wpf... maybe before the wpf patch but now its far from normal. as to your claim about 0 investment, I believe 0 ps 2 ath and 9 wm so I can have 180-185 wpf (maximum accuracy) in my class is pretty qualified as investment.

I understood why the strength requirement was increased, and its amusing to me that the same people that complain about arbalests before still complain about them even now, after this change... NA is completely desolate of practically all arbalest users. Can't say how EU looks; but Heavy is the new Arbalest on NA

this is just my two cents about xbow balance at 5:00 in the morning.  :oops:

I'm not sure the route they should have taken to fix the crossbow but adding three strength to it wasn't really the answer. You still have those minimal investment builds that stand 15 ft away from the enemy shoot once and then engage in melee as a semi normal build. Which breaks balance for everyone that uses these weapons as pure builds and makes it a non viable choice outside of strat battles.

They should jack the power up, a lot.

I took a heavy xbow bolt to the head (+3 xbow +3 bolts) and only lost half my health (60 head armour, +3 winged turd). I was shocked, for the first time I thought "yeah, that thing needs a bit more power."

75HP 60 Head Armour.

The arb needs some love. It should be able to one shot anything with a head shot imo, it should also do a bastard load of damage given how horribly slow it is.
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