Author Topic: A Day of Blood  (Read 410 times)

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Offline MaGaM

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A Day of Blood
« on: May 27, 2014, 12:33:18 am »
He pulled up his hood as he neared the great gates of New Narra. The ramparts seemed larger then life when he first examined them as a boy. Now judging them with a military mind, forged in the endless drills of Calamari's School of Warfare, he determined they were no less formidable. It was no wonder so many considered New Narra the greatest city in all of Calradia. A sentinel looked up from his dice game with ill temperament, noticed the great Kraken emblazoned on his cloak, faded from time and wear, and quickly nodded in respect as the warrior limped by. The gigantic war hammer the warrior carried certainly hastened the sentry's response.

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He could walk this familiar path with eyes closed if he wished. Victory or defeat, this was where he always met his companions after the fighting was done to take advantage of the soldierly discounts on the fine Steppe Wine and promiscuous New Narra whores. He stopped short of the tavern and looked up at the old battered sign that hung above the doorway. The sight of the large squid drinking an ale with one of its tentacles and doing unspeakable things to a bent over templar with another kept the more reputable citizens away from The Silly Squid Inn and never failed to bring a smile to his rugged face. His boots kicked up dust as he stepped onto the old plank floor.

As it did with every guest, it took a moment for his eyes adjust to the low light level. This was all the time that was needed for the whores in the establishment to spot a potential wealthy patron and call on them. A tall dark haired beauty strode over to the warrior's side and started to whisper sweet nothings into his ear but this was the time for brotherhood and drink so he swept her away like a fly and looked around. There, at the normal table, sat a sullen warrior with a great line of dried blood running down his forehead.

"Exe!" the warrior exclaimed as he strode near the table.

"Ah, Magam my boy! How are you?" The two warriors shook hands and then Magam loudly called for two fresh cups of Ale.

"How fares your head wound Exe?" he inquired as he sat down to the table.

"Ah, 'tis just a flesh wound ol' chap. It was hard fighting outside New Dirigh Aban but I think we will be able to force a surrender with our next engagement. We lost many a good men there but we certainly avenged them with the route outside New Bhulaban!"

Magam smiled as he remembered the slaughter. "Aye, we honored the memory of those we lost in this war. Perhaps we will soon see victory and drive the infidels into Oblivion!"

"I'll drink to that my friend!"

Exe raised his cup where the two warriors sloppily smashed cups together, drank them down, and slammed them on the table after they were empty. Laughter exploded from the pair and then Magam called for two more Ales. Just then, the door slammed open and there stood Lord Commander Holiday in full battle regalia. He noticed the pair of battle brothers at their table and gestured towards them.

"I thought I might find you two here. Sir Tankmen rides for another Acre scoundrel. I have come to call you to battle!"

Magam glanced over to Exe who then nodded to his brother.

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"Another day of blood is upon us my friend. Time to ride to war."

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