Mongolian Elite Armour vs Vaegirs Mongolian Elite Cav Armour ... what's the go with that?
They have the same identical stats... Surely the cav armour should have more leg protection... like every other cav armour. There are three completely identical sets of armour and one has been labeled for the role of cav but unlike every other bit of armour labeled for such a role has not received increased leg protectiong. Something like 50B 22L would go down a treat I would imagine.
While I'm complaining about things that don't matter in the slightest how about pushing the Heraldic tunic over mail and plate down into the same grouping as the aforementioned (piss weak) Mongolian armours? Having another infantry specific bit of Heraldic tat would be nice for all us horse snobs (I'm sorry Nibbles, I still love you.)
Yeah, so, I'm going to go be a whingy bitch else where for a couple of minutes.
Cheers in advance!