Author Topic: Crpg Fixes/Changes  (Read 225 times)

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Crpg Fixes/Changes
« on: April 30, 2014, 07:56:32 pm »
-Down with NA_6(Change to Community server or even deathmatch i would suggest)

-Buff Eastern horse

-Rotate within 2 maps on NA_3 ( Should be voted on by devs or the players)

-According to Tydues=means to break. Definition-I''m going to tydues your arm if you don't give my pillowpet
(click to show/hide)

-Fix 1h overheads (prior to update something feels very wrong with them. They glance on people's head armor 20% of the time).

-Fix DTV reward system( Strat got xp buff, battle is double xp and DTV is still shit in every way).

-Fix flags(Obvious problem)

-Smooth out right swings for 1h(I'ts really hard to tell how much area my swing is covering when right swinging!)

-Stop bullying( I won't be surprised if someone comes up on the news because of suicide/attempt)

-Smooth out some siege walls/map layouts( to stop video card lag for us 2002 Toshiba laptop users)

-Change the T rating to M rated game.(Crpg is a drug. Like any drug if you start early you''ll die from addiction)

-Fix fork(s) sweet spot

-Buff stones(Almost every armor is now too strong for them!)

-Make crossbows useful in DTV(I think this is being worked on by Fips but not sure)
                              I want to thank the item balance team/devs for to their hard contentious work
***Buffed throwing damage on some neglected weapons

***Buffed lots of shields

***Made heavy armor better

***New Maps added(MORE FUN YAY!)

***Balistas added on some DTV maps and Weapon boxes

***New gear is coming in at a steady pace

* Made +1's worth it but at the price of making +3's less valuable

Anyway i have a lot of suggestions but that will be for another day  :mrgreen: