The first one I tried to play was Oblivion. I gave it some 6 hrs, and gave up when I realised that there is no point in upgrading or leveling, since goblins and skelletons are going to be a problem no matter what level you are.
Then I tried Morrowing and it just looked dreadful, that was a year or two ago, before this overhaul project. So I gave that up as well.
I tried even Skyrim, gave it some 3-4 hours, but... The problem was Warband, because it spoiled me. For example, I was trying to right swing, lolstab opponents, but the stupid game just wont listen to me, my hero hits however he, not me, pleases. My second biggest disappointement was riding, when I realised I just can't couch creeps on the map. At that point I gave up. Perhaps I will try I again, maybe even start with Morrowing, because this overhaul project seems to make it a less of an eyesore.