It used to be 1 tick per hour. Was this a deliberate change? More importantly, why?
This makes Strategus much harder for casual players - especially since you don't get ticks by actually playing Strategus. If you're fighting in all a few battles per day, and with a smaller group playing the game that's becoming increasingly important, then playing cRPG to keep 48 ticks a day AND the Strat battles... dammit, that's a lot of time.
Trying to harass casual players - you know, the ones who are already busy with important things in life - into keeping efficient troop production should never be necessary. At 48 ticks a day, it definitely is.
Assuming each round lasts 5 minutes, and you have a constant x2 or x3, that's three hours of play a DAY. 48x5 minutes = 240 minutes. What the hell?