Author Topic: Is there any way for scene editors to know when a patch/hotfix is coming?  (Read 454 times)

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Offline Thranduil

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Wasn't sure whether to post this here or in the General Discussion thread.

So like the title says, is there a chance that scene editors can be informed beforehand of impending patches/hotfixes where updates to their maps could be used? Not that I'm expecting one anytime soon.

I know I've updated my DTV maps quite frequently, (as Patoson and Moncho and others have been very kind to keep me informed of exploits and general mess-ups on my part. TY guys.), so half of my maps have updates waiting for the next hotfix. I also kinda hate to spam Fips every time I update a little small something on a map, as some of my maps have been updated multiple times since the last patch. I've done it before and I know I've left him quite confused a couple of times just from the sheer number of them. I imagine it's also a slight bother for him or Teeth to go through all the submissions to see if there are any updates in any of the posts in the stickies. It would also be cool to have a deadline for current/future projects. I know right now, I rely mostly on Fips giving me a heads up, 'cause we generally don't know about updates until they happen (which is mostly unavoidable and I understand. You don't know if an update is ready to implement until it's ready to be implemented.  :P) .

It may not be much (or any) better than now, but it would be kinda nice if when Fips/Teeth learns of the date of an impending patch/hotfix where new/updated maps could be included, they start a new topic 2-3 days (which I imagine is as much warning as they get) before the deadline where scene editors could post their updated maps with a small description of the update. New maps would still be placed in the stickies, as they would be easy to identify, being the latest posts. After the deadline, the topic could be locked.

It's just an idea I had that I hoped might save the scene editing admins time, and benefit the scene editors as well (well, myself mostly  :oops:) by making sure updated maps are included. Basically I'm proposing more work for the scene editors and less for the scene editing admins.  :o

Alternatively, I guess I could just harass Fips once a month.  :lol:
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Offline Fips

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Just harass me. Before patch i go through the submissions and my pms (if i remember anyone sending me updates of maps) just to be sure everything gets in. The workload isn't too big, it's just that i'm lazy and the kinda guy that pushes everything to the last minute xD