we are a bunch of rl friends playing since 2months or so.
We are really enjoying the game (and the community) but i think we are missing a major aspect by not joining a clan :
get some training, to follow a battle commander on the field via ts/mumble and why not sharing some roleplay with nice people (i dont mean full rp, just being able to contribute to somes stories that give your character a meaning)
We wondered about making a new one (we are 5, maybe 6 or more soon, the half playing daily), this way we could be sure that we could play together, bounded by the rainbow of friendship, but i just told you why we are hesitating.
-any clans doing open training from time to time? (or a dedicated mentor?
-Any clans accepting non members on their ts/mumble?
-Any suggestions of some clans open to a group recruitment?
You're welcome to give any advices too