Well, skill has to exist somewhere. The cone of fire mechanic cannot be compensated with skill, while low missile speeds can. To me that's all there is to it. Of course, if the devs manage to modifiy the way the COF evolves in a way that makes timing shots more important, why not do that instead. But I don't see that happening in the near future.
You really don't play an archer do you?
Long range shots can
only be done through skill. Even with the current arrow speed, you still have to aim about an inch or so above your target, without being able to see where your shots are landing (unless you are a goddamned pink arrow plus the size of throwing lance cheater), and if you are off by 1/32 of an inch (2.5 cm and if off by an 0.08 of a cm) you will miss, and that is for a
stationary target. If your target is moving, you then have to also calculate their speed, adjust to the left or right by up to an inch or more, more especially if your target is a horse, as well as aim an inch or so above the target depending upon the actual distance, and then hope they don't change direction. And if your CoF isn't close to pinpoint by having 190 wpf or more, luck is also in play. That means a dedicated archer is better than one that isn't because it is about skill in making the shots. Even with medium shots you still have to adjust for the drop of the arrow, and with shorter range you still have to adjust for speed of the target, especially when aiming for the much smaller head target. If someone is standing still? Sure, not as hard, but they
deserve what they get for standing in one spot and making themselves an easy target.
As for low missile speed being required for skill? Actually low missile speed adds an additional layer of luck because then it is elementary for any melee or even a horse (by rearing or just turning) to avoid a missile. It is far too easy.
Look, I hate to break out the "you just suck at it" card on you, but as much as you complain about the current missile speed making it impossible to dodge a missile, that is the only conclusion that I can make. Even using the nomad with the highest current missile speed, there are many players who can both dodge the arrow and still advance towards an archer at short range. Why? They don't wait to
see the missile before they are reacting to the archers
Now I will concede that the ones who can do it consistently generally have a good athletic and thus a balanced or agility build. But if strength builds can't do it, then
so what????. I am damned tired of strength builds who want to have the highest amount of armor, swing as fast as an agility build that has more wpf, run down anyone with more athletics then they have, and dodge arrows like a D&D monk. Lowering missile speed will just be more pandering to these tincan wanttohaveitalls, and that is just plain bullshit.