getting IF to survive 2 more hits sounds like a huge improvement, and in fact it's more than 2 unless you wear very little armor.
Against a 0PS pickaxe +0 opponent maybe.
If what you say is true, it means that, for 14 HP (from the 7 IF) to make you survive 2 hits or more, your opponent must (after damage reduction) strike you for
less than 14 damage at each hit.So if you are lvl 30 with 7 IF, you have 70 hit points.
If your average opponent only does less than 14 damage at each hit, that means you are able to tank about 5-6 hits from him with your fragile build with naked-light-medium armor.
Something is wrong with your maths Kafein
(im not counting glances, bad hiltslash or nudge/kick damage, NOR I am counting peasants, troll builds/weapons)7 IF + no armor = 0-1 extra hit
7 IF + light armor = 0-1 extra hit
7 IF + medium-heavy armor = 1-2 extra hits
7 IF + very heavy-ultra heavy armor = 1-5 extra hits
12 IF + no armor = 0-1 extra hit
12 IF + light armor = 0-1 extra hit
12 IF + medim-heavy armor = 1-5 extra hits
12 IF + very heavy-ultra heavy armor =
3-15 extra hitsThats my experience in strength builds. Dont you see a problem somewhere ?