1. Name of your character involved - Afina
2. Name of offending character(s) - RE ManuGroz
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible - 20:16 moskow time, server HRE DTV
4.We played on the server HRE DTV time 20:15 We played on the server, it kicked me and I made the report. and he created the first vote to remove me. it is very much about this card before I inflicted damage and people. then created a vote for his removal, and he went away and came back to the server and made voting ban. stupid polls
5.He did it out of anger because of what I did to him rerot
http://hostingkartinok.com/show-image.php?id=194c79f0e159121e13c87273e128fea1http://hostingkartinok.com/show-image.php?id=5b8a63a6553e4469b065dd5c706837937. Names of players who witnessed what happened.** (Vlcek. hakeruss HRE. TSH Blody)