Hey guys Drehar of TKoV here!
I wanted to tell you about my wow server I have up.
A Quiet Place:
Custom wow server that will have many tiers of raid progression. Players will find Blizz like content as well as custom content together.
Our Goal
Our server takes place in the TBC time line of WoW. Players will find most of the early content is blizlike raiding/dungeons/quests. As you progress through the game you will find Custom Mobs, Instances, And Dungeons added to progression. After Sunwell content we hope to have 2-3 more Tiers of raiding.
Lead Developer - Drty
Community Manager - Drehar
Server Features:
Blizz like TBC and Custom Content
3.3.5a Talent Trees
90% Working quest and instance scripts.
Level 70 Cap
All Players make level 60 characters with Honor to buy starting gear.
High EXP rates (For now, but will drop in the future)
10 Tradeskills per Character
Increased skill up rate
Duel Talents
Server Features we have planned:
Cross Faction Group/Raid/Guilds
Custom End game content (2-4 Raid tiers AFTER Sunwell)
Same Faction BG's
Many More World Bosses
<Click here to get started>