@cmpxchg8b, since you actively posting here may I address the question to you?
My Problem:Few months ago, I put my custom PC together:
Cpu: intel Core i5-3570K
GPU: nvidia 8800gt(old)
Ram: Corsair 8GB
Mainboard: ASUS Maximus V Gene Z77
SSD: Samsung 250GB
Since then both native and cRPG are unplayable for me. My ping(22-35) and fps(120) are good, but the game feels like 200+ping.
In-Game I see always opponents who instantswing, and there is no chance to block anything but by guessing. The longer I play, the worse it gets. And this ends sometimes with a crash.
The most funny/frustrating thing is when I get hit from a one hander who is like 2m away from me.
It feels like desynced timer. Setting "Force Single Threading" and assigning M&B into one cpu core didnt helped.(on my old PC it worked)
To solve this I have testet several network,CPU and timer related Bios settings. Most of them didnt have any effect but wasting my time.
Recently I found a strange thing, which helped a lot, but it only works for a short period of time. After that it gets slowly desynced again, and I have to restart the game.
If you want I can PM you what I did, because I dont know if this is a legit way to play this game. And since because of this problem I have stopped playing anyway, it does not matter I suppose.
But I would love to play again if there would be a permanent solution.
For sure what I can say about this game is, its very picky when it comes to hardware. I played it on other Pc's and there was a huge difference.
After those experiences I am strongly assuming, that this is a timer related issue.
My Question:Which timer is used in M&B/WSE2?
Microsoft for example suggest to use QueryPerformanceCounter and QueryPerformanceFrequency for Game Timing and Multicore Processors.http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee417693(v=vs.85).aspx