What's happened:
Tonight, at the end of round, we were 12 in our team and it was only a hx in the opposite team. Everyone know that there is nothing more annoying than running after a hx at the end of a round.
My two friends have decided to do an impromptu duel as long as the round ends.
So they made their duel and OdE_Teutates_Le_Nervien died. The round ends and the beginning of the second round, OdE_Le_Borgne was ban for one day by aozaki (karasu)..
Shortly after, OdE_Teutates_Le_Nervien wanted to be ban by solidarity asking my agreement to kill me and he was banned.
wtf ?
We know that the rules are here and our clan respected it all the time.
We also know that tk / th are not allowed, but the role of an admin is not also about being flexible when needed ?
It was not allowed to have fun when the situation is boring at this point ?
They do not disturb anyone and they are willing, what there was wrong with that ?
Many clan members or even admins do that and they are never be banned, but if they are members of a small french clan without great reputation, they deserve a ban ?
Better explanation than "there has rules" and a closed topic is required !