as you may remember, I once have changed my winged great helmet because those red-lungs-thingies were terriburu. After some time some sort of patch changed it and my helmet looked like wizard-ass-bone&leather thing with CDs on ears.
I decided that I would try to change that and here are the results:
First of all I wanted this to match my dark gauntlets and dark boots so I've decreased contrast and the brightness on the specular map and just to get my original helmet's look, I changed material from
helmets ->
helmets_b in Jarolds Armoury.brf or something like that.
Tbh I was just clicking random shit and following common sense and I luckily managed to repair it the way I wanted it to be repaired.
I'm happy I got rid of this ballsy gloss and in this way, the helmet looks a little bit darker.
If anybody wanted to have it done this way then the easiest thing you can do is to spend a few hours trying things out or just ask someone for help. Always backup! I am not sure if I'd be able to change one's helmet like this by telling him what to do. Me is a newcomer to this kind of things. Wanted to share it with you all because I want to know what you think about this version. Also bragging about my achievement.
Helmet still looks fat but it doesn't disturb me much and I don't want to play with scales or models
just no.
EDIT: For some reason when I look at the helmet on those pics, this guy comes to my mind...
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