EDIT as per Jack's suggestion (thanks, bud):
1. Name of your character involved
2. Name of offending character(s)
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
8/30/13 6:00 PM
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
(See story below)
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.
Petty revenge.
6. Multiple Screenshots
I could only take one because I was in the midst of battle.
7. Names of players that can witness what happened.
I was playing alone, but there were a few FCC players who were online, though I'd like to leave them out of this.
Playing a casual game of Battle on the NA_1 server as my alt, Silly_English_Kniggit, can be a bit difficult at times because I do not play him often, so he is somewhat capped at a measly level 23. Not only that, but for role play reasons, I prefer to wear Transitional and the like and also use Poleaxe, which admittedly can be an unwieldy weapon. Frankly, I tend to hit teammates with it in group fights, and such was the case with Sir_Firebus. Regardless of my almost immediate apology, Firebus deemed it necessary to report me. He laughs about it, so I give him a little something more to laugh about. When the round ended, I bonked my fellow FCC warrior on the head with the blunt of my axe and killed him. I lose a kill and points; no harm done.
Firebus insists this crime cannot go unavenged, and perhaps because I'm not wearing the FCC banner, thinks he can get away with breaking the rules. Firebus follows me the second round after (see: "[Silly_English_Kniggit] You gonna follow me all round, Firebus?"), and while I'm engaged with an enemy, he pretends to engage the other player by hitting me in the back twice.
I've had it with this player's attitude. He needs to learn there are more important things to this game than points on the scoreboard. Given this player's reputation, I should have been ready to take more pictures, but I gave my clanmate the benefit of the doubt.
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loginTO FIREBUS: Here are my stats from the other day, when you insisted I was NOT 18/15.
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