1. Name of your character involved: Cock_Blockula
2. Name of offending character(s): WATTtheJOKER
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: EU_2 around 16:00 GMT
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after: Everytime he is in defense, he spams a good deal of construction items around the flag and choke points; suicides to refresh stock; builds and equipment chest; refreshes ammo and keeps surrounding the flag till it becomes a nasty marshland impossible to penetrate.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*: To give the defending team and undeserved extra edge, which he consistently managed.
6. Multiple Screenshots:Suiciding to refresh stock right after spamming two stakes -
On the previous screenshot, he couldn't spam enough because he was unluckily shot multiple times before going on with his routine. This is another map, showing his web almost completely woven -
His equipment chest -
Same map, spamming in a construction site to top it up -
His extra equipment chests (yeah two more of them) -
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**: The entire defending and attacking teams witnessed it going on. As far as I am concerned, I had been playing for at least 3 maps straight and I saw him do his spamming consistently. All players who were there with me definitely saw his actions.
On my part, I warned him more than once and to be honest, I even used highly profane language although it is not my habit to do so. Other players also stated their disturbance but he never paid any attention or responded. I request that he gets banned for spamming constructible items