
Which did you like more?

25 (59.5%)
New Vegas
17 (40.5%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Author Topic: Skyrim vs New Vegas - Which is the better game (or you find more enjoyable)?  (Read 3472 times)

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Thank god for the TL;DR :D
I was waiting for a game to update, so I thought I'd write a quick comparison of the games. Long story short, I'm pretty sure I wasted an hour of my life.
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I must say Skyrim, but I think New Vegas is really good too.

Also note that I like Skyrim because there are enough mods out there that make it a mechanically good game (i.e. genuinely fun to play after hundreds of hours). NV vanilla is pretty solid in that regard but I can't say for sure until I hit the 200 hours mark.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 09:28:08 pm by Kafein »

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I had a blast playing New Vegas, finished it in a very short time. I had a blast playing Skyrim too, for the first 10 hours. The story, combat and quests were all very bland though and made sure I barely made it through the main quests even though I was basically speedrunning it near the end. Worst thing is the stupid dungeon gameplay. You have this enormous open world in which all kinds of cool things could happen, and nearly every single mission takes place in a derpy dungeon which looks exactly the same for 2 hours while fighting the same enemy for 2 hours. Retrieve generic item X in generic dungeon Y and bring it back to generic fella Z, hurrdurr.

Just lazy game design if you ask me. New Vegas had much better quests, a very interesting and well paced story and the usual fucked up Fallout characters. One thing I want to note is how stupid it is that the Legion from New Vegas and the Empire from Skyrim basically looked exactly the same even though the settings are completely different.

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yeah thats one of my least favourite aspects of rational level design. Reuse of the same logic and assets in a slightly different setting = more content for less work. Thats the reason i dont play most single player games, its insufferable once you notice it. I was sufficiently distracted with wanting to level my character to be bothered by it in Skyrim though. I recall being motivated for about 10 hrs because I just wanted the 'perk'/'whatever' that let you slow down time when you aim your bow. Same as the only reason I played Far cry 3 is because I heard you get a wingsuit at some stage. Still havent got to it. 
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Offline Tibe

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yeah thats one of my least favourite aspects of rational level design. Reuse of the same logic and assets in a slightly different setting = more content for less work. Thats the reason i dont play most single player games, its insufferable once you notice it.......
Let me just stop you right there.

And Multiplayer games have entirely different logic and absolutely different settings? Nothing is more repetitive and dumbed down then MMOs for instance. MMO is nothing more then an empty shell of a game. Everything gets stripped from those games for the sake of you playing with bunch of random people. Arcade type of multiplayer games arent much better either. I get that its your opinion, but stating that multiplayergames reuse the same logic and settings a lot less then single player games is definately wrong. The variation between multiplayer games is practically nonexsisting compared to single player. I admit that having real humans in the game might provide some unexpected moments, but the settings will still be the same none the less.

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Yeah I agree. What I meant was I prefer just being thrown into a battle/Conquest/whatever with a bunch of other human players. People add variety for me. I dont play MMO's either and yeah you're right they absolutely do that. I wasnt saying SP exclusively does that.
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