Nowdays we have a 1/3 rule that forces you ta attack enemy with at least 1/3rd amount of his troops. That's a good idea, but atm we have a silly stacking troops in fiefs and noone want to attack anyone, because attacker will loose more troops than he can use in battle bacause of timer.
Mi idea is simple. Leave 1/3rd rule for open field battles, it will prevent to stopping armies by some little amount of troops, an make a rule that allows you to attack a fief with at least fixed amounts of troops.
For example:
Fief kind minimal amount for attack
village 500 troops
castle 1000 troops
town 1500 troops
It can make strat more alive and give us a lot of nice battles and tons of xp (IMO most important tning in strat is xp)
What do you think about it? Or maybe someone got better idea?