ye there also was a hearing in brasilian goverment about undeniabel UFO contacts.Also its interesting that the vatican(Pope) and the Daila Lama talking about how too accept Aliens.
In fact there is a hole scientific based Field about the Crop Cicels and other Events like this.In case of the Crop Circels they do propper research so they can diver between the Real and Fake Crop Fileds.Much about microwaves which form the pictures in the fields and the Mathematical mesg. behind the Pictures.
There are voices of peopel who are researching this stuff that saying these Guys not friendly and just foolin the humans.Like nephilems u find in the bibel and other ancient Tales.
Also the Movie Industry(Hollywood) grab this Theme alot recently(last years).
We will see if its Apocalypse or ETs.....
edit: u can see some of them in this vid aswell.Who knows if its fake...But these Ligtballs seem too be a common Thing.(Ball Lightnings)