Author Topic: Chambering throwing weapons!  (Read 1537 times)

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Re: Chambering throwing weapons!
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2013, 09:11:10 pm »
Tavuk, that ninja catching an arrow video is a joke. Watch the arrow flight. It had already reached the peak of its arc and was falling to the ground at a point maybe 10 feet in front of the ninja. My daughters 20lb draw bow will fly WAY past that before dropping and the flight speed is way faster than that video and war bows are far more powerful than 20lb draw. It looks like he has maybe 3lb's of draw behind that shot. I can throw a spear faster than he shot that arrow ffs  :rolleyes:

i can't believe that you took my post seriously.. doood!
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Re: Chambering throwing weapons!
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2013, 12:20:10 pm »
the ninja catching that arrow is bs, an English warbow would have a draw weight of about 130 pounds, like the ones found on the Mary Rose ship. a horse bow had a draw weight of about 65 pounds. a Yumi's max draw weight is 90 pounds. the reason the English warbow had such a high draw weight is because the English were the only ones who made the best use of the best wood in the world to make bows , which is yew. that didn't grow in asia or in the former persian empire(india to about turkey). yew wood is the best wood in the world to make bows out of because it has a natural lamination, the core of the tree is made of very hard wood which is hard to squeeze together, and the outer wood in the tree is made of a wood which can bear the stress of tension very well, these two properties were very important in making such a powerful bow. another reason why the english could use a warbow with a draw weight of 130 pounds is because every person was obligated to shoot 2 hours after church on sundays from the age of 5, so by the time those boys reached the age of 17, their arms and backs were grown to shoot a warbow(skeletons dug up from battlefields in the middle ages show spines that were deformed because they shot heavy warbows.
though the horse bows didn't have a lot of fire power, they did have speed and versatility because the bows were so damn short adn the use of thumb rings improved speed.
there is no way you can catch an arrow of a bow which doesn't have a draw weight of 15 pounds. and if a bow would have anything but an armour-piercing point, you would cut yourself.

And yes, I practice archery myself.
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Re: Chambering throwing weapons!
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2013, 01:38:59 pm »
Throwers have been nerfed so much lately that they should receive some sort of compensation if this is implemented.

The suggestion is really good/fun, it would also balance things out between the faster/weaker and slower/stronger throwing weapons.

The strong and fast ones like jarids and throwing axes are so overused that the fast ones do not even seem like a worthwhile alternative :(

+1 to OP