I'm totally against STF chars and as many alts as possible though.
Would really like to hear some arguments about why so.
Fury gave some :
- STF/alts have names that are harder to "know" (because of names) for people, but then, like Segd, I think TeamSpeak and just looking at the score/teamkill messages void much of those problems
- sabotages/spying still happens regularly and you cant fight it, just accept you dont have eyes everywhere and let the trolls be trolling, and the fighers fighting
- + it would not be "random classes showing up" if we had "provide stats" ticked all the time, and/or leaders asking such or such classes to show up and do a special job
and Turboflex implicitely gave a feeling that having classes having advantages in X battle situation showing up that would cause a bad thing but no reasoning behind it.
Whats the difference when you recruit a known (main) STR crutcher (like me) in a siege. Because I'm a main it doesnt sucks for the attackers ? Whats the difference if I was a agi-whore main, but showed up with my STF STR crutcher for the siege?
The only difference is : people CANT have fun with multiple classes on strategus.
If CRPG forbid alt/STF in cRPG battles, would long-time players still play today ? NO. GAME IS BORING IF YOU CANT CHANGE CLASSES.ยต
Alts already gives strat tickets to the main char on strategus, allow them to play in strat fights (and STF too if it came to that, but alts would already be quite an improvement).
Also, like I said numerous times, strategies would really gain a nice & new field of experiment if alts could show up.