Good, of course. But the fact that on short range shields are not impenetrable any more is widely known, as far as I have read.
Just reread this and noticed we havent done any testing yet. I dont know whether people still consider this a problem because I havent seen any complaints about it lately but if you are still interested Joker, I am still available to keep my word
Ill be home late today though.
Me too. I am still at my university, I guess I will be home at like 21:30 or something like that. But some other day for sure. When I see you on the server I can ask you, I guess it won't take long. I will just approach you in millimeter steps, and you try to shoot through my shield. If you manage to shoot past it before I bump you, we will test how long the distance is where you can do that, which shouldn't take long either (I will equip plate so I won't die that fast), and then let's see. I still say some archers, if they train it and have a good ping, can abuse that bug.