Ozin already announced that he is going to change the XP/Gold entirely. With the current system conquest is either heaven or hell on earth because you are stuck with your multi for 30-60 minutes.
But back to your question:
I really love the idea of Conquest but at the moment it is just a pain in the ass.
A huge cluster fuck and without a a clan stack you usually don't come further than 2nd flag as attacker. And even with a bunch of clan mates you can't win as attackers. ( On Friday evening we were about 10-12 HRE's took the first 4 flags in less than 10 minutes and couldn't take the last one because the defenders were spawning too fast )
In my opinion, if these things get changed, conquest will be fucking awsome:
- New XP/Gold system
- Longer respawn times for defenders
- More ways to get to the flags/ opener maps
- Change spawn points, so that the defenders don't spawn directly at the flag behind the attackers. This just makes it even more impossible to take down the flags
- Disable/limit stacks or at least add cooldown timer so they don't get spammed on the same fucking ladder every 5 seconds
- Enable QML as long as the old XP/Gold system is still working, conquest is just full with leechers
What did i tell you 20 min ago on TS?
I'm going to find you and club you to death