I can see this not being up everyone's alley; if you can get invested in the story it is emotionally heavy but juxtaposed with a "cute" art-style, over-the-top characters and mostly generic gameplay.
When I wrote that post lastnight I had finished the game earlier in the day and tried not to gush over the game completely or say too much (or anything actually) about the plot. It has something ineffable that touched a chord with me and although it's not without it's faults (RPGMaker, a side area that actually made me angry at the dev, and fairly easy battles) it's one of the few games in these past years that had me engaged and stirred my ennui for a lot modern games and their formulas.
I feel it was worth the price of admission, it was a ~10 hour experience with some side stuff I had missed and another mode with some added content but I'd say bat-shit mad is an understatement.