Author Topic: Arbalest Repair  (Read 1373 times)

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Re: Arbalest Repair
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2013, 07:25:16 pm »

Even cutting those values in half, you should be one-shotting peasants  :wink:
Not really, even with MW set-up you would only do 42,5 damage while even just a level 5 will probably have 45 or more hp.

Though just to clarify, I do not agree with the OP. I was just talking about the stats you showed.

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Re: Arbalest Repair
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2013, 07:35:02 pm »
An arbalest is no free 1 shot ticket as soon as you hit anything and although my main is an arbalester I have to say it's good that way. This thing is a very mighty weapon but only in the right hands (as a head shot machine). But don't think you can get lots of valour with it.
The arbalest is for a dedicated sniper and I see my job on the battlefield in looking for the top players and put them on half of their hit points. It's not about 1 shot killing peasants (too slow reloading time). An arbalester is a support class (with good KD ratio) who should take the hp and attention of experienced players who otherwise kill 3 to 4 of your mates in melee.

Help your team and upkeep is no problem but as archery this is no gold leeching class.

That's how I feel with my crossbower alt.  I'm not expecting to kill people when I shoot them, I'm trying to injure/kill horses and take health away from those dirty plate armor crutchers.
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Re: Arbalest Repair
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2013, 09:06:42 pm »
I've played my main character as an arb/sniper for almost two years now. It wasn't until I made a shielder alt that I realized just how much we get screwed on points. With my arb sniper I can have one of the higher k/d ratios yet will just about always be on the lower half of the scoreboard. My polearm/ shield alt mearly has to run next to the pack with the shield up and occasionally thrust a spear into someone (with only 4 ps) to be in the top 10 consistently. The sniper gets 2 points for headshotting someone from across the map, yet the alt gets 2 or 3 points per minute for basically just being near people doing actual work... Really stupid system
I don't know how you can watch with_stupid, every time i see him play i want to put infants in a blender.

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Re: Arbalest Repair
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2013, 04:29:34 am »
I've been using the arb for the past month or so and I fricking love it.

Its definitely not something I use against peasants though. I aim for archers first and foremost. I can usually one hit them if they're in really low armor. Most archers survive one shot with decent armor but they're most likely blackbarred at that point.

Then you help in melee and shoot peasants.

The only thing I hate with the arb is the slow reloading time (which is fine) but it sucks when you're on open plains and being targeted by an HA/HX/archer. My god the frustration.
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Offline Adam_Bomb

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Re: Arbalest Repair
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2013, 04:10:29 pm »
I've been using the arb for the past month or so and I fricking love it.

Its definitely not something I use against peasants though. I aim for archers first and foremost. I can usually one hit them if they're in really low armor. Most archers survive one shot with decent armor but they're most likely blackbarred at that point.

Then you help in melee and shoot peasants.

The only thing I hate with the arb is the slow reloading time (which is fine) but it sucks when you're on open plains and being targeted by an HA/HX/archer. My god the frustration.

Ill shoot at anyone as long as they are running in a straight line... It's the ultimate archer killer though. I just see archers as some kind of prey to be stalked and killed...
One good tip for any other high ath snipers out there; when some melee guy starts chasing you, hit qfm continuously, ("follow me!") usually pisses them off enough that they give up the chase :)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 04:14:01 pm by Adam_Bomb »
I don't know how you can watch with_stupid, every time i see him play i want to put infants in a blender.