Author Topic: Heavy glitching  (Read 1401 times)

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Heavy glitching
« on: February 20, 2013, 03:48:59 am »
Hi guys,

since I installed WSE 2 an annoying error occurs a few times every round. I often play as usual but obviously don't see what is really happening around. So I fight and suddenly I get beamed to another place some metres away, of course usually dead because I have blocked the enemies I thought I would engage and not the real ones. There is no real lag or something. Until the enterprise beams me to another place everything looks smooth and although ping terribly increased in the last few weeks this, the fps and the hardware shouldn't be the problem. There is no special time when it comes (so not always when there are many players around or so) It seems to be some kind of random.
I have already limited the fps at 90 and 60 but no improvement. What else can I try?

I have a dream that one day this mod will rise up, and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all classes are created equal.’

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