Author Topic: Unban Kesh_ATS  (Read 2460 times)

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Re: Unban Kesh_ATS
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2013, 02:39:41 am »
Kesh is ban for obtaining a chat log showing how bad the NA Admin leadership is. The conditions for his unban appear to be revealing who revealed the current corrupt state of the NA Admin leadership; presumably so they can ban that person from that chatroom (or more) and then continue being awful corrupt admins. I would propose a different solution though. I would say for everyone to praise the whistle blower who felt strongly enough about the lack of morals being displayed in that chat so as to provide the evidence of admin corruption to Kesh in order to make public how awful and corrupt the NA Admin team is. After praising said individual I think it is time to unban Kesh, Remove the current NA Admin leadership team, recruit a new leader for the NA Admin team (I say makes tears do it) and then have the new leader review the other admins; the admin chat channel should be made public for observation (not participation) so that no one has to worry about biased or corrupt admins in the future. Rather than sweeping this under the rug and lynching someone who pointed out how awful things are, lets work towards making things not awful.

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Re: Unban Kesh_ATS
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2013, 02:48:52 am »
Kesh is ban for obtaining a chat log showing how bad the NA Admin leadership is. The conditions for his unban appear to be revealing who revealed the current corrupt state of the NA Admin leadership; presumably so they can ban that person from that chatroom (or more) and then continue being awful corrupt admins. I would propose a different solution though. I would say for everyone to praise the whistle blower who felt strongly enough about the lack of morals being displayed in that chat so as to provide the evidence of admin corruption to Kesh in order to make public how awful and corrupt the NA Admin team is. After praising said individual I think it is time to unban Kesh, Remove the current NA Admin leadership team, recruit a new leader for the NA Admin team (I say makes tears do it) and then have the new leader review the other admins; the admin chat channel should be made public for observation (not participation) so that no one has to worry about biased or corrupt admins in the future. Rather than sweeping this under the rug and lynching someone who pointed out how awful things are, lets work towards making things not awful.

Tears of Destiny, the NA Head Admin we deserve and need. He will bring class and sexy back to NA.

Oh yeah stay on topic, unban Kesh.
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Re: Unban Kesh_ATS
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2013, 02:55:31 am »
As soon as the identity of whoever leaked the info is revealed, Kesh' global ban will be lifted and an investigation into Smootrich's ban will start. Can't do much before that, though - we can't really trust you if you don't come clean with us.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 03:00:44 am by cmpxchg8b »

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Re: Unban Kesh_ATS
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2013, 02:55:57 am »
Kesh is ban for obtaining a chat log showing how bad the NA Admin leadership is. The conditions for his unban appear to be revealing who revealed the current corrupt state of the NA Admin leadership; presumably so they can ban that person from that chatroom (or more) and then continue being awful corrupt admins. I would propose a different solution though. I would say for everyone to praise the whistle blower who felt strongly enough about the lack of morals being displayed in that chat so as to provide the evidence of admin corruption to Kesh in order to make public how awful and corrupt the NA Admin team is. After praising said individual I think it is time to unban Kesh, Remove the current NA Admin leadership team, recruit a new leader for the NA Admin team (I say makes tears do it) and then have the new leader review the other admins; the admin chat channel should be made public for observation (not participation) so that no one has to worry about biased or corrupt admins in the future. Rather than sweeping this under the rug and lynching someone who pointed out how awful things are, lets work towards making things not awful.
What if Kesh wasn't lying and it was Smoothrich who gave Kesh it in order to troll him?

Make BADPLAYER head NA admin.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Unban Kesh_ATS
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2013, 03:41:55 am »
As soon as the identity of whoever leaked the info is revealed, Kesh' global ban will be lifted and an investigation into Smootrich's ban will start. Can't do much before that, though - we can't really trust you if you don't come clean with us.

this is your best idea to restore your company's credibility here after the angry nerd powertrip of your embarrassing admins against a rival clan leader they have a personal feud with?

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Re: Unban Kesh_ATS
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2013, 03:49:53 am »
this is your best idea to restore your company's credibility here after the angry nerd powertrip of your embarrassing admins against a rival clan leader they have a personal feud with?

I don't see what admins in a free mod have to do with my "company's credibility".

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Re: Unban Kesh_ATS
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2013, 03:55:29 am »
Aren't you part of chadz' M:BG team?

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Re: Unban Kesh_ATS
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2013, 03:56:16 am »
Well, they manage the NA community and you allow them to do so, they manage it badly and you allow them to do so, could NA players not take that as a sign that they will continue to be left in the hands of bad admin leadership who will throw out bans on "real or imagined" evidence cause "it'd be funny"?

Them being awful does reflect poorly on the EU dev side for allowing them to operate poorly; maybe you guys will see to improving things now that the level of their bias and incompetence has been revealed, but so far it seems like the goal is sweep things under the rug and hope people forget about how awful things are, but i don't think it will work that way. Lots of people already stopped playing because they got sick of the way things were run on the NA side and I imagine a lot of people are watching this current situation closely to see how it is handled so they can decide whether cRPG and any future projects are worth their time.

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Re: Unban Kesh_ATS
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2013, 03:59:54 am »
this is your best idea to restore your company's credibility here after the angry nerd powertrip of your embarrassing admins against a rival clan leader they have a personal feud with?

Im perma-banned for leeching when ive been playing for 4 years.......So i think admins need to be switched up a little or something needs to be done if this stuff is going on!

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Re: Unban Kesh_ATS
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2013, 04:06:52 am »
Aren't you part of chadz' M:BG team?

Yes. Smoothrich isn't.

Well, they manage the NA community and you allow them to do so, they manage it badly and you allow them to do so, could NA players not take that as a sign that they will continue to be left in the hands of bad admin leadership who will throw out bans on "real or imagined" evidence cause "it'd be funny"?

Or maybe nobody ever tried to contact us about that and just assumed we didn't care (because you know, we're the EU guys and obviously we don't give a shit about NA), and now is trying to use that as an excuse. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

Im perma-banned for leeching when ive been playing for 4 years.......So i think admins need to be switched up a little or something needs to be done if this stuff is going on!

You're permabanned for repeated offenses: autoblocking, leeching, lying to admins, scamming. More importantly, this thread is not about you.

Anyway, there is nothing more to say here. I'm waiting to have a talk with the person who leaked the info, that should be a good start for our investigation into NA admin abuse.