I'm respecing the castle, can't use the S&D myself, therefore I'd like to announce that anyone who feels like using my 47k S&D No touching the S&D and purchasing my loomed gear is free to do so until further notice.
3+ Rounceys 35% discount.
0+ Hafted Blade, Long Spear, Long Maul, Heavy Lance, Long War Axe, Glaive, Great Long Axe, Poleaxe, Elegant Poleaxe, Deli Cap, Turban Hat, Turban Helmet, Veiled Turban Helmet, Milanese Sallet, Turkish Robe, Deli Robe, Siphahi Yawshan, Heavy Yawshan, Turk Shoes, Rus Cav Boots, Splinted Greaves Over Mail, Iron Greaves, Leather Gloves, Hourglass Gauntlets, Heavy Gauntlets, Elite Cav Shield, Knightly Heather Shield, Huscarl's Round Shield, Horn Bow, Rus Bow, Crossbow, Tatar Arrow, Bodkin Arrow, Steel Bolts, Longsword, Great Axe, War Cleaver, Miaodao, Great Maul, Greatsword, German Greatsword, Hammer, Iberian Mace, Military Cleaver, Military Pick, Broad Onehanded Battleaxe, Elite Scimitar, Steel Pick, and Warhammer 0% discount.
1+ Tribal Warrior Outfit, Sarranid Guard Armor, Heraldic Transitional, (20-30% discount on the armors), Mail Gauntlets (10%).
2+ War Darts 25% discount.