Author Topic: Smoothrich in EU again  (Read 4043 times)

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Offline Tears of Destiny

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Re: Smoothrich in EU again
« Reply #60 on: February 23, 2013, 01:47:28 am »
Hahahaha.  There is innovation and then just frustration and a need to win at the expense of many other people.  There's a difference between competitiveness and dickheadedness.  Exploits and "playing well."

I don't really see the distinction between dickheadedness/trolling in the game via game mechanics without breaking rules, and dickheadedness/trolling on the forums via posts without breaking rules, considering the outcome is the same and so are the steps. It is the same thing but in different places... How can you support one but not the other?  :|

« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 01:55:04 am by Tears of Destiny »
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.