Are you NA or EU?
If you are NA i would go with 21/15 build: max ath, max shield, max ps, max wm, rest IF.
Wy? Because NA mobility is a bit slower, in my experience, then EU.
If you are EU I would go with 18/18 build: max ath, max shield, max ps, max wm, rest IF.
I also play 18/21 hoplite without 1h wpf and IF and i must say the 1 extra ath & shield isnt worth it, no IF makes yout VERY vurlnerable as a hoplite cause people will spam your ass and you have a good chance of glancing at close range, getting hit with it.
Also depending on map i'd say use warspear for "close(r)quarter(ed)" maps and use Ashwood for more open maps. Sure it drops when you switch to your 1h but that way it also increases your movement speed, since hoplites will most of the time draw their 1h when theyre outnumbered and/or without teammates this can actually work with you.
Shield is optional, ive used huscarls to knightly kites to steel plated and they all work, in 1v1 its all about timing.
Hope it helped a bit.