Author Topic: Freezing Before Warband Load Screen  (Read 384 times)

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Freezing Before Warband Load Screen
« on: December 30, 2012, 12:15:36 am »
This has been a problem since the WSE2 patch stuff came out and only is a problem when running on DX7 or 9.
Usually, if Warband crashes mid-game or I exit out, I'll have to restart my PC for Warband to load again in DX7 or 9, but not with the WSE2 patch enabled.
Now, it's taken to just flat out not loading in DX7 or 9, but will if the WSE2 patch is enabled.
The cRPG launcher will show up, click to start the game, the "trailer" or whatever will play, ESC out of it and the program will black-screen.
The only way to get out of it is through task manager as the program becomes entirely unresponsive, though I'm not prompted by the OS.

I realize this is more a technical problem with my computer, but if anyone has any idea on how to fix it, I'd much prefer it over lagging to hell with WSE2 enabled (as pretty as it is).
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