Find friend with the same athletics as you, have them wear medium armor and just facehug you, not blocking, just stay really close. You won't be able to land a thrust without glancing. At that same distance, you can thrust fine with any 2h-hander or polearm, but not a 1h sword.
Bullshit. 2H and polearms glance up close, just like 1H. All stabs glance up close if you don't do any movement at all. Before the turn-rate nerf, I would spin my weapon from the side to get the required momentum to not glance. Since the turn-nerf I either pull the stab from the sky to my enemy's face or from just above ground level, to my enemy's boots. I've played all classes a lot and there's not much difference in stabs.
Polearms glance at the very beginning at the end, same as 1H. 2H is an exception after they toyed with the animation. Now it's active longer and doesn't seem to glance much at the end anymore. Only problem with 1H compared to the polearms is the higher speed gives you less of a window to turn the attack, if you're still relying on the spin-stab from the side. The 2H animation is the slow one so turning ain't really much of a hassle anyway.
Btw, I'm quite happy that the stabs works like they do. If not, there would be much more spamming around, since you could easily follow up a side-swing with a damaging insta-stab.