Bump. F2P is now out and I'm playing it again. It's hilarious to see that it has a lot of the same problems and bugs that it did six months ago: Servers are constantly brought down for handfuls of hours at a time with short notice and a lot of the same bugs are there like the scoreboard screen getting stuck after an arena match and you have to sit there and wait for 2 minutes for it to automatically exit as well as the bug where certain skills play the animation but don't actually do anything (you have to relog in order to fix this).
The new 2v2 arena is fun, which is the same as the 2v2 Legends Arena except you get to use your own characters. The flaw in class dynamics gets highlighted here though, as certain duo combinations will just flat out stomp any other combo. 2 Controllers versus 2 Ice Tanks? Prepare to get roflstomped not because they're more skilled and are better players, but because the game is inherently designed for tanks to dominate controllers. Also, it seems like Healers got buffed too, as even with my mega healing debuffs, a lot of healers can still outheal them (even without being cleansed).
Balance is completely out of whack. Tanks get ultra-mega survivability, mass AoE damage, and even have more CONTROL powers (CC -> knock downs, roots, stuns, etc) than controllers. And then there's the inherent Controller v. Tank perks that they get like being completely immune to all controller effects. The best part is that they can also erase all controller effects on their teammates as well. Balance is completely out of whack. They need to just force everyone to be damage mode in 2v2.