Author Topic: WSE2 thoughts  (Read 731 times)

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WSE2 thoughts
« on: April 08, 2013, 07:35:05 pm »
I only recently switched to using it, and I have to say, I love it.

My PC is pretty low end, so I often had trouble loading maps before. Occasionally, I'd end up disconnecting from the server because it took too long to connect when there were a lot of players on, or certain maps.

And if i did connect, I'd almost always miss the first round's spawn, or spawn into a cav lance. Not exactly fun.

But now, using WSE2, everything seems to load in a timely matter and I can actually play the game without having to spawn and see my entire team already gone. It's nice.

I haven't really seen any problems with it myself yet, just some issues that have always been around. Like watching swings go through blocks, or be blocking in one direction when it shows as another. Works both ways. I've had people swing through my blocks (and shields), and I've done the same to others on occasion.
Nerf everything. Buff naked fist fights.