Yesterday, around... I think... 23:30 GMT+1..., EU1 had 27 peeps playing in it and EU2 had 19 or something. It ain't that late and I can easily remember times when EU1 used to have 80+ players around that time of the day.
So, to me it doesn't look like there is a server that needs a population to start with but a mod that isn't that interesting and fun to play any more.
It's not about a specific server being low on players but to me it seems that the overall interest is lacking.
My personal situation is that I log in for 1 hour max and then I am bored. All the time the same maps, the same routine, the same... just the same. There is nothing that surprises, nothing that keeps me motivated. There are lot of things that de-motivate me though... the last players are again 3 archers vs 1 2h, they are still kiting just fine btw, again another round stuck with x1, again the same team-based mistakes that will cost the round again, again killed by someone coming from behind cuz my team-mates don't care to help, again the same boring and annoying things... just everything again and again.
I am not saying that this a problem that everyone has - this is specifically my experience with this game lately and I am just so damn bored by it. The only reason I keep logging from time to time is the folks I know and have fun "spending time with" and having a little chat. So, for me it's rather a graphical chat than a game I actually enjoy.