As much as I love a grey witchhunt I doubt anyone but the small amount of banned greys did anything, the devs didn't exactly seem to have the opinion of "if in doubt, innocent.".
Accountsharing did not come from the unstoppable strive for victory, or will to dominate the entire Startegus map. It did come from the observation that lead us to the opinion that from the very beginning we were treated unfairly ...
About the whole thing with latest banwave... From my kinda limited knowlege about this matter all guys from GO received ban for account sharing, for all that still see no difference they have only 1 cd-key but they give their login and password to someone else to manage their strategus character. Well, it is forbidden, for long time everyone know that it is bannable and yet it happened.
the witch hunt had been at the time the ban wave took place, now it is more or less confirmation.
Also i think the punishment was a bit harsh, as the punishment should fit the rule braking, therefor banned from strategus yes, banned from CRPG no. Then but i was reminded that, it wouldn't hurt enough, new cd keys , new char and transferred items would neglect the punishment to some extent. What else could have been done?