Author Topic: [ban] STR_Kanuni - revenge teamhit  (Read 1738 times)

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Re: [ban] STR_Kanuni - revenge teamhit
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2012, 11:51:24 am »
(Thanks to Malika for the reference post (#1)).

One revenge team hit on the first screenshot, that's too inconclusive, and you even retaliated back your self which is just as bad. Tsk tsk.

I see the 4/5, but without screenshots showing those being in rapid succession or that he did it several times to you specifically (should have taken a screenshot with the log + without log but with the text showing on the screen, so we could see your character and his character's relation to it for example), overall it is really too inconclusive and given the 5/5 limit you'll both be let off with a warning for team hitting.

This is hugely giving the benefit of the doubt to Kanuni though, which he doesn't really deserve giving his past (5 previous offenses: Team wounding, griefing x 2, and two times team killing, all in 2012) but I won't ban someone without being 100% sure.

If I see you come up anywhere again though Kanuni, the hammer will fall, extremely hard.

Now calm yourselves down and chill out.

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Edit: He actually did delete his characters :o
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 01:04:46 pm by Nessaj »
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