I dun get it. For me OR is wrong because both parts are required, so AND is right. Herp.
You are assuming that OR excludes the possibility of both parts being true. It could be exclusive OR (exclusive disjunction), but judging from the outcome I'd say with pretty good confidence that it is inclusive
. Therefore your argument is invalid.
Also it states that new characters = (A) created less than 3 days ago
OR (B) lower than level 15
Either one of those two get a truth value of 1 = character is new. Also if A = 1 and B = 1 => character is new.
Actually if we start to look at your claim closer you might see where you are wrong.
You say: New character = (A) Created less than 3 days ago
AND (B) lower than level 15.
Now if we give A and B truth value of 1, the outcome seems right. Then if we give A the truth value 1 and B = 0 (means your level is higher than 15) the result truth value becomes 0 too (Character is not new). We all know at this point that this could not be right, right?
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