Author Topic: Some advice from Shanghai_Brave(上海大叔的建议中英文整合!!)  (Read 397 times)

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CRPG长期围绕在削弱远程武器,和骑兵上。 据说是因为西方服务器的人被远程武器和骑兵搞烦了。所以要求把这2个职业改弱,反复反复再反复。其实大可不必。
It has been a long time for cRPG official to nerf archer and cavalry. It is said that the reason why they keep doing this is players in EU and NA servers are tired of chasing and being chased. So those players ask cRPG official to nerf archer and cavalry over and over again. In my poinion, it is unnecessary.

1 还给所有职业本该就有的威力 一定要符合真实
   Give the power back to every arm of the services to make the game more realistic.

2 免费开放盾牌,任何人手里都可以拿盾牌而不用加点. 盾牌有好有坏 最厚的肯定是最重的,重量可以带来一定熟练和跑动的惩罚.玩家等级低力量低时只能拿低级盾牌 力量上去后可以用高级盾牌 这点设定和单机一模一样完全没问题.盾牌克远程,长杆武器克骑兵,骑兵克盾牌,远程武器对付骑兵和长杆,骑兵和盾牌同时能对付远程武器.然后,盾牌有好有坏 最厚的肯定是最重的,重量可以带来一定熟练和跑动的惩罚.玩家等级低力量低时只能拿低级盾牌 力量上去后可以用高级盾牌 这点设定和单机一模一样完全没问题.
  Remove the limitation of carrying shield, so everyone can carry a shield. Of course that the best shield is the heaviest, and the weight can reduce the players' weapon points and athletics. And better shields require more strength, this setting can be the same as Native(I mean when we play alone, just with bots). Shield restraints archer; polearm restraints cavalry; cavalry restraints shield; archer restrains poleatm and cavalry; cavalry with shield restraints archer.

3 可以取消弓箭的准星,这样军队主力不会被远程密集的攻击而有打削弱。也更容易让军队步兵主力团结集中起来。
  Remove the sight( or crosshairs?) for bow and crossbow, which can let field soldiers group up easier, so when the players group up they won't get too many shots by archers.

4 目前弓箭手衣服重量要求比原来高很多,以至于弓箭手只能穿最垃圾的衣服了 请不要胡来
  At present, the requirement of weight for archer is much higher than before, which leads the archers to choose the worst armors. Please stop nerfing archers.

5 骑兵刀盾 在马无速和低速下的砍击伤害应该比站立的要低  现在实在太高了
  When a cavalry use an one-hand weapon to hit other players with a low horse speed or no speed, the damage should be much lower. Now it is too OP!

6 马匹应该可以携带装备。装备格可以增加4个。
  Horses are supposed to carry some equipments for cavalries, so please add some more slots for cavalries because of their horses.

7 非常感谢目前加入的中国装备,这些装备是中国宋朝时期的装备,也就是蒙古帝国时代的装备。 请加入蒙古铠甲!! 整个远东历史上分量最大的民族莫过于中国 蒙古 日本  请完善此三国的装备。目前蒙古各类铠甲太少!!具体的铠甲可以去看AD1257
  I appreciate that you have added some Chinese equipments which are from Song Dynasty, and the Mongol Empire was active at the same era. So please add some Mongolian equipments, the types of which are really few. The armors and equipments from mod AD1257 are for reference.

8 人物头部模型是有问题的!难道作者一直没发现吗??自从他去掉了新版本的人物脸部造型系统后,人物的眼球就比原来大很多了,非常明显!!请改掉。另外能否增加AD1257里的那些人物皮肤?那个新版的人物脸部造型系统就是AD1257里的 为什么用了没多久就取消掉了呢?什么原因
  There is a problem with the model of character's head! Haven't you guys discovered that yet? Since the mod maker removed the new system for editing character's face, the eyeball is bigger than before, which is so obvious! Plesse modify it. In addition, I wonder if it is possible to add some human skins which are from mod AD1257? And I wonder why the mod maker removed the new system which is for editing character's face(which is from mod AD1257).

I'm just a translator. I can't stand the google translator, so I translate this to let u guys have a better understanding of his ideas.:)