Make all 2h Cept bastards use flammy animations.
Ooooooor, using X cause a change of 2h to flammy animations(including overheads) and a general all around damage buff due to correct handling of the weapon and -2 speed for balance. ( still 2h wpf)
Flammy animations are badass, closer to realism for pure 2h(excludes hand and half), and very European esque.
Current 2h animations are for faeries and the whatever world weabos came from. Shit, even samurai wouldn't thrust a blade like that unless it was for killing peasants or stabbing naked faces. Not to mention a lot of their techniques include the off hand supporting the back of the blade during cuts.
All around having two sets of 2h fighting styles would be very rewarding to the game experience.
Which one are you, faery or knight?