Author Topic: I need 20 People to take this Survey!  (Read 391 times)

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I need 20 People to take this Survey!
« on: October 25, 2012, 12:25:46 am »
I need 20 Current College Students to take this survey PLEASE!! (it's for Homework)

1. Are you Full Time or Part Time?

2. What is your Major?

3. Will you Pursue a Bachelor's Degree?

4. Where will you get your Bachelor's Degree?

5. What would you change about your Institution?

6. Would you recommend your college to others?

7. Who is your Favorite Instructor?

8. Who is your Least Favorite Instructor?

9. What is the reason you attend your college?

10. And what is your Home Town? (if you don't wanna answer, make something up)

Please post your answers fully! Thanks so much guys.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 12:36:44 am by Tank Burner »
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Re: I need 20 People to take this Survey!
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2012, 01:20:09 am »

1. Are you Full Time or Part Time?

Full Time.

2. What is your Major?


3. Will you Pursue a Bachelor's Degree?

Why not.

4. Where will you get your Bachelor's Degree?


5. What would you change about your Institution?

Needs more dragons and shit.

6. Would you recommend your college to others?

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7. Who is your Favorite Instructor?

Mitt Romney

8. Who is your Least Favorite Instructor?

Barack Obama

9. What is the reason you attend your college?


10. And what is your Home Town?


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Offline Germanicus

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Re: I need 20 People to take this Survey!
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2012, 01:51:57 am »
1. Are you Full Time or Part Time?
full time
2. What is your Major?
3. Will you Pursue a Bachelor's Degree?
4. Where will you get your Bachelor's Degree?
5. What would you change about your Institution?
6. Would you recommend your college to others?
yessss its weltmacht
7. Who is your Favorite Instructor?
8. Who is your Least Favorite Instructor?
9. What is the reason you attend your college?
10. And what is your Home Town? (if you don't wanna answer, make something up)
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