I'm pretty fucking sick of all the pew pewing.
Millionth time its been said, but I'm absolutely sick of it. It's the reason I hardly play this shit ass mod anymore.
Can something please be done? I mean come on man. Archers shouldn't hit you with every shot they fire. They should miss, SOMETIMES. And every other hit shouldn't be a fucking headshot.
Anyways, there's archer complaint thread #999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, enjoy it. You'd think after so many complaints, SOME ONE WOULD ACTUALLY FUCKING LISTEN.
I'm not talking about removing archers from the game, just nerf them into the ground please.
Also, it'd maybe be cool if there was some semblance of balance in this game, not just banner balance. That way you wouldn't get EVERY FUCKING archer on one team. Secondary rant here, I know, but this game is so out of balance it's not even funny anymore. Every fucking round it's a steam roll of one team or another. Hardly any good, even and fair fights. Always just a steamroll of bullshit because this game doesn't balance for shit.
I mean how hard would it really be to implement a system that takes into account how many archers/cav/infantry are on one team, AND ACTUALLY BALANCE IT OUT. 12 ARCHERS ON? 6 ON ONE TEAM, 6 ON THE OTHER. NOT JUST 11 ON ONE TEAM, ONE ON THE OTHER. Pretty fucking simple logic to me. (I know actually implementing that kind of system is probably pretty hard, but still. That would be great.)